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In 2024, he completed his Ph.D. at the Madras Institute of Development Studies as a UGC-SRF scholar. His doctoral thesis examined the “Role of Social Capital in Determining the Development of Dalits in the Village Economy of Tamil Nadu, India.” Currently, he serves as a Research Assistant at the Centre for Social Justice and Equity at the Madras School of Social Work. He holds an M.Sc. in Economics with Applied Econometrics from the Madras School of Economics and brings a blend of research and academic experience. He has worked with prominent institutions such as the Madras School of Economics (MSE), the M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), and Ecorys Pvt. Ltd.
His teaching experience includes subjects like Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Mathematics for Economics, and Panel Data Analysis at institutions such as the Central University of Tamil Nadu (CUTN), the University of Madras, and Classof1. He is skilled in data collection, cleaning, and analysis using STATA, as well as in report writing. His primary research interests focus on development economics with applied econometrics.
Dr. P. Suseendhira, Programme Coordinator of Centre for Social Justice and Equity of Madras School of Social Work has completed her Ph.D. in Sociology and Criminology as an Interdisciplinary programme. Had her Master’s in Sociology at the University of Madras in 2014. She has teaching experience as a guest lecturer and Assistant Professor at Chennai Dr. Ambedkar Law College, PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore. Before joining the CSJE, she has worked as a Research Associate at Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur, Maharashtra. She has worked on different research projects on the themes of criminology, victimology, sociology, and gender studies. Her significant projects are the impact of violent crimes in Nagpur City, the social exclusion of manual scavenging communities, and gender dimensions of the urban labour market. She has published articles on different subjects in the vernacular magazines. She has also participated in various national and international conferences and presented research papers. She has hosted, coordinated significant National and Regional level academic conferences on the themes on Women Empowerment, Crime Patterns and Trends in Tamil Nadu and Social Movements.
Research Associate of Centre for Social Justice and Equity of Madras School of Social Work has completed her master’s and M.Phil. degrees in women’s studies. She did her doctoral research on ‘Women and Water: Problems and Possibilities of Water Governance – AMicrostudy in Tamil Nadu’ and awarded her Ph.D. in 2019. She has two years of experience as a Research Associate at the State Institute of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (SIRD & PR) of Government of Tamil Nadu in the period of 2018–2020, in which she has engaged with action research projects primarily focusing on gender and Sustainable Development Goals. She has been engaging in gender sensitization training programmes, menstrual hygiene management trainings, and sexual harassment against women. She had teaching experience as guest lecturer in women’s studies at Bharathidasan University and University of Madras for two years. She has published research papers and journals on gender and water governance. She has also produced documentaries on the themes of marginalised communities includes dalits, tribes, and women. She has participated and organised various national and international conferences.
Mr. M. Antony Stephen is the lead facilitator of Social Entrepreneurship Incubation centre (SEIC) in MSSW and responsible to take care of the entrepreneurship among Tribals, Marginalised Communities, Person with Disability and Artisan Sectors and build their eco system. He is heading Social Entrepreneurship Hub funded by Entrepreneurship Development Innovation Institute (EDII), Government of Tamil Nadu to promote social start up ecosystem in 60 Social Work Colleges in Tamil Nadu. He is the convenor of Consortium of Social Enterprise organisations in Tamil Nadu. He is a member of Tamil Nadu Palmyra workers welfare board, Government of Tamil Nadu. His research areas are Entrepreneurship ventures among migrants and marginalised communities, Social Entrepreneurship Education and Governance Entrepreneurship. He has visited Cambodia, Philippines, Burma, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Spain, Germany and Omen. He is the regular writer on issues pertaining to homeless community in leading newspapers and social media.
Mr. G. Ramkumar, Documentation Officer, Centre for Social Justice and Equity, Madras School of social work. He has two and half years of full-time teaching experience at Madras School of Social Work as well as two years as guest lecture at College of Social Work, NirmalaNiketan, Mumbai. He has worked in HandinHand, NGOs for a year. He is pursuing his Ph.D in Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, working on Dalit movements in western part of Tamil Nadu. He also completed his M. Phil from the same institute on local governance and Dalit leadership. He has participated in the both national and international conferences to present papers. He has a publication. His interest areas are social movements, exclusion studies and civil society.
Dr. R. Pavananthi Vembulu completed his Ph.D. in European Studies from the Centre for European Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He teaches Political Science at Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, India. Earlier, he was at the Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, ManonmaniamSundaranar University, Tirunelveli. He was European Union Visiting Fellow at University of Bath, UK (2011); and German Science Foundation Visiting Fellow at Justus- Liebig University, Giessen, Germany (2012). He has published in the fields of Comparative Politics and Political Ecology
Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Loyola College, Chennai.
Ms.Semmalar Selvi is a scholar and academician in social work who have worked meticulously in various themes on ‘Dalit Studies’. She has presented papers and participated in various National and Regional conferences, seminars on the themes of ‘Gender Equity and Inclusion’, ‘Election Democracy’, ‘New Education Policy’, ‘Human Rights’, ‘Women and Violence’. The centre presently collaborating with her on ‘Studying Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for SC Students in Tamil Nadu’. The present study aims to understand the difficulties faced by Scheduled Caste students in accessing post matric scholarships with specific to Engineering colleges and universities in Tamil Nadu.
Member, Tamil Nadu State Commission for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes, Chennai.
Dr. K. Ragupathy, a historical researcher in Tamil Nadu has been working on the areas of scheduled castes and their origin in Tamil Nadu. He has authored the books “Theendamaikkul Theendamai” (an exclusive book for the marginalised scheduled caste group of Puthirai Vannar in Tamil Nadu), “Dalit Podhuvurimai Porattam”, “Dalitugalum Thaneerum”, “Dravida Madham”, “Dravida Pathirikkaigalil Adidravidar Aavanangal” and so on. He is a veteran historian in Tamil Nadu who write multiple number of articles in news dailies for voicing out the atrocities against the scheduled castes in Tamil Nadu. We are collaborating with him for studying the “Caste Atrocities against Scheduled Castes in Tamil Nadu from 1990 to 2023”. The present study aims to find out the statistics on atrocities will be gathered from the reports of National Scheduled Caste Commission and Tamil Nadu Police Report.
Managing Trustee, Vanavil Trust
Vanavil Trust was started in 2005 in the aftermath of Asian Tsunami of 2004 to support children of two Nomadic communities, Boom Boom Mattikarars and Narikuravars, in Tamil Nadu. After 18 years of working with the communities, Vanavil now has grown into an organisation with multiple projects that are aimed to support the education of the children from the nomadic tribal communities. Vanavil stands for Child protection, Health & Nutrition, Holistic education and Livelihoods. CSJE, MSSW has collaborated with the team ‘Vanavil’ for Studying the Nomadic Tribes in Tamil Nadu in particular to the Census of Boom Boom Maatukarar (Aadhiyan) Nomadic Tribe in Thiruvarur District of Tamil Nadu.
Ms.M.Priyachitra has completed in Master‟s in History, M.Phil. in Archaeology at University of Madras. Presently, she is pursuing her interdisciplinary research in Women‟s Studies. She was the research fellow of ICSSR fellowship in the year 2018 – 2020. She has worked in different research projects in associated with ICSSR, Centre for Developmental Studies. Her noteworthy projects were the Educational Challenges of Scheduled Castes in Tamil Nadu and Tamil Nadu Migration Survey. She has also organized and participated in various national and international conferences and presented research papers.
Mr.SankaraPandi K, Documentation Assistant at the Centre for Social Justice and Equity, Madras School of Social Work, Chennai. With over 5 years of teaching and research experience, he holds a Master’s degree in Applied Economics from Pondicherry University and Master’s degree in Population Studies from the International Institute of Population Studies, Mumbai. His Ph.D research focuses on Industrialization and Socio-economic Mobility. He registered his Ph.D with the Madras Institute of Development Studies and received the ICSSR Institutional Fellowship for the years 2015-2017. He is good at handling and analyzing large-scale data and is also well-versed in documentation.
Ms.Niranjana is a M.com graduate and has a wide range of work experience in the private sectors and private limited companies. She has a rich experience accounting and auditing. She looks after the financial matters of the Centre
Dec, 2023
Mr.Vishal Saravanan from the School of Law of Symbiosis Law University, Hyderabad Campus. From the Law background he has joined with us in working on the theme of ‘Legal Regimes of Forest Governance in India’. He joined with us as a very first student intern in the month of December 2023.
Feb, 2024
Mr.M.Mohammed Sakib from MA Development Studies of Madras School of Social Work has done their internship in our centre from 1st February 2024 to 29th February 2024. They had worked on a research project titled on “Invisible Margins: A Study on‘Panniandi’ community in Tiruvannamalai and Dharmapuri Districts of TamilNadu”. As a part of the research project, they had assisted to design the research tool and involved in data collection work as field investigators. In addition, they also engaged themselves in the documentary film making work for the same project.
Feb, 2024
Mr.A.Antony Jude Sagaya Babu from MA Development Studies of Madras School of Social Work has done their internship in our centre from 1st February 2024 to 29th February 2024. They had worked on a research project titled on “Invisible Margins: A Study on‘Panniandi’ community in Tiruvannamalai and Dharmapuri Districts of TamilNadu”. As a part of the research project, they had assisted to design the research tool and involved in data collection work as field investigators. In addition, they also engaged themselves in the documentary film making work for the same project.
April, 2024
Mr.Yadeendar from the Department of Sociology and Social Work if Christ (Demmed to be) University, Central Campus, Bengaluru. He has done his internship in the month of April, 2024. He had worked on violence against Dalits, gender mainstreaming, and tribal concerns as broader themes. The readings focused on the Forest Rights Act, 2006 and its implications for Tamil Nadu, analysing the place of transgender representation in political campaigns, and fostering public dialogue to raise awareness of atrocities against Dalits. On April 26, 2024, in Chennai, he also directed the theatre production of “Innuma Nadakuthu” –A Solo act play in the theme of ‘(Dis)Honor Killings in Tamil Nadu with his teammates.
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